17th Apr 2018
17th Apr 2018
16th Apr 2018
4 mins
Porsche have teased images of the latest instalment to their flagship model, the hallowed 911. While excitement builds ahead of a 2019 launch, rumours abound as to future incarnations and whether electrification will soon come as standard.
It seems a logical enough step, does it not?
12th Apr 2018
3 mins
Volkswagen sold more cars than any of their competitors in 2017, pipping Toyota to the ‘crown’ for a second year in succession.
In a record breaking twelve months for the German manufacturer combined sales hit the 10.7 million mark, contributing to revenue in excess of $367 billion. The figures are eye-watering and proof that reports of a demise – or even a blip – were in actuality greatly exaggerated.
9th Apr 2018
4 mins
The simple speed bump, or ‘traffic calming’ measure in city planner speak, has been present on UK roads for closing on 50 years. Whilst their intention as a low cost method to prevent speeding may have been virtuous, their generic application of effect has caused problems.
Every driver crossing one has to slow down considerably or risk damaging their car. So rather than being a method of slowing down speeding drivers, they are instead a punishment to all drivers regardless of their intent to speed or not.
28th Mar 2018
3 mins
As ambitions go launching a car into space is a pretty lofty one, but that’s exactly what happened in February when the Tesla Roadster became the first automobile to enter orbit.
A long held goal of engineer turned inventor turned business mogul Elon Musk, this venture sees his two companies combine for an altogether different kind of mission. Indeed the Tesla Roadster has been attached to a Falcon Heavy rocket no less, allowing for a top speed in keeping with galaxies if not motorways.
8th Mar 2018
6 mins
The future is upon us. As recently as a decade ago the very idea of self-driving cars remained fanciful. In 2018 that concept is a reality, sort of.
Indeed the connected and autonomous industry has developed at a rate of knots and far quicker than anyone anticipated. Technological advancement has led us to a point where nearly all newly built models boast a score of at least one on the Level of Automation (LOA) scale. It rises to five, in case you were wondering
2nd Mar 2018
4 mins
Traffic jams are the scourge of drivers everywhere. Indeed there is seemingly no escape from congestion nor the retrieval of hours frittered away to queues and tailbacks. But can our frustration be monetised? How much are standstills truly costing the British taxpayer? Fortunes, it transpires.
Indeed research conducted by data analysts INRIX show that the UK lost a staggering £37.7 billion to traffic jams last year.
1st Mar 2018
3 mins
Using carbon and ceramics in braking systems offers significant advantages over other materials, but the processes involved in their manufacture are considerably lengthy and more expensive – why are they so expensive and is it worth the cost?
Perhaps an indicator to their eventual cost, the use of heat resistant carbon/ceramic based materials originated in the ever so expensive endeavour of space exploration.