
14th Oct 2019

3 mins

Why Do Electric Vehicles Need To Make Sound?

When electric vehicles first came to prominence, sound, or a lack thereof, was held up as both a defining and appealing feature. Soon heralded as ‘quieter cars’, EVs certainly packed less of a sonic boom, particularly at speeds lower than 20mph.

Fast forward two decades however and motoring authorities want to crank up the volume. And as stage handler’s set-up a rock concert, the National Highway Traffic Society pass laws. The end result, they hope, is the same – things are about to get pretty loud.


7th Aug 2019

4 mins

Netflix and YouTube Coming To Tesla

Elon Musk splits opinion but even his harshest critics respect – albeit begrudgingly – a relentless desire to innovate.

In championing the likes of his Falcon 9, Solar City and Hyperloop concepts, this engineer turned entrepreneur has made himself box office. And the celebrity that comes with pushing limits and patience alike is something he laps up.

Compared to sending cars into space Musk’s latest project is somewhat mundane, but still represents a huge moment for the motoring industry.

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