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  • production-record-small

    The Battle To Become The Fastest Production Car In The World

    12 Nov 2020

    For the third time in as many years the world record for the fastest production car on earth has been broken. Or has it?

    In a twist akin to a presidential election, Shelby Super Cars’ Tuatara hybrid claimed victory, only to see its triumphant runs first disputed, then expunged from the history books.

  • grading-system-small-list

    What Is The New Grading System for Self-Driving Cars?

    15 Okt 2020

    The results of the world’s first independent test of driver assistance systems make for interesting reading, particularly for one Elon Musk.

  • walking-car-small-list

    The Walking Car Will Change Everything

    15 Okt 2020

    At what point does a car cease to be a car?

    For many it’s the second four wheels leave the ground, hence the somewhat mixed response to the Pal-V. However, what if the vehicle sprouts legs and begins roaming roads?

  • e-highway-listing

    The Future of Roads - E-Highways

    21 Sep 2020

    A concerted effort to increase safety and decrease pollution means our roads are changing beyond recognition. If Smart Motorways signalled the start of a new era, E-Highways reveal the direction of travel. Literally.

  • alcolocks-listing

    How Alcolocks Will Stop Drink Driving

    21 Sep 2020

    Drink driving has long been described as a plague of British motoring and in light of new, alarming figures, ways to combat the scourge are being fast-tracked. Of the many ideas mooted, the introduction of Alcolocks seems to carry most support. 

  • roadworthy-listing-2020-small

    How To Keep Your Car Clean (and Roadworthy) During The Coronavirus

    30 Apr 2020

    Few of us are taking to the roads right now and for good reason. As the Coronavius approaches a much feared peak, lockdown measures ensure all but essential travel is outlawed.

    These restrictions are both important and justified but could have an adverse effect on a great many of our cars.

    That’s why tending to your vehicle, in as far as you can, will be vital in the coming weeks.

  • seat-leon-lights-listing-2020-small

    Will Cars Soon Talk To Traffic Lights?

    30 Apr 2020

    The Coronavirus has cut a swath across Europe and left a trail of destruction in its wake. 

    As governments across the world seek to contain the spread and reduce pressure on their respective healthcare providers, it’s perhaps no surprise to learn product launches have been thin on the ground.

    Spanish automakers SEAT have though moved to provide a welcome distraction.

  • jlr-pods-listing

    Jaguar Land Rover's Driverless Pod

    14 Apr 2020

    Regular readers may remember a piece we wrote in May of last year previewing smart wallets. A novel concept it formed part of Jaguar Land Rover’s wider ambition to improve road safety.

    This project was given a name, Destination Zero, and a mission: to bring about zero emissions, zero accidents and zero congestion.

  • tread-blog-listing-2020-small

    Goodyear Unveil The Self-Repairing Tyre

    12 Mar 2020

    Tyres have a limited lifespan. If you’re lucky a good set may span three to four years (or 12,000 – 15,000 miles) before inevitable wear and tear necessitates change. We know, it seems like only yesterday you were in that very position!

    Worse still, there’s every chance you’ll suffer a puncture in the interim, bringing about yet further expense.

    Yes, replacing wheels is one of driving’s costlier downsides. And let’s face it, there’s a few to choose from.

  • diff-listing-2020-small

    Types of Differential and How They Work [INFOGRAPHIC]

    13 Feb 2020

    A differential is a simple piece of gearing that has been refined over many years. It allows wheels mounted to the same axle to rotate independently. Early auto mobiles failed to master the process and instead powered one wheel on an independent axle. This caused underpowering and problems with traction on anything but firm, level ground.

  • smart-motorway-listing-2020-small

    Smart Motorways... Where Did It Go So Wrong?

    12 Feb 2020

    Back in 2018 we launched a series on the future of roads, previewing new technology and legislation set to modernise and improve our highways. One article focused on smart motorways, then set to grow in number following a successful trial in Birmingham. It’s fair to the say the subsequent rollout has not been without controversy.

  • leaf-listing-2020-small

    How Did The Nissan Leaf Drive Itself 230 Miles?

    12 Feb 2020

    If you happened to be driving along the M1 last November, there’s every chance you passed a self-driving car. Not that you’d have noticed. That’s because the longest autonomous journey ever completed in the UK passed without incident. That was the plan. In fact until earlier this month, only a select few even knew of the experiment. That’s all changed now, as this victory lap promises to transform our roads.

  • sony-listing-2020-small

    The Sony Car... Game-Changer or PR Stunt?

    13 Jan 2020

    In April 2019 it was announced the mythical PlayStation 5 would soon become a reality, news that melted minds of gamers the world over. Those able to peel themselves from their bedroom ceilings were expecting a preview of sorts at the annual Consumer Electronics Show, an event in which makers Sony deliver a keynote presentation.

  • apprentice-listing-2020-small

    The Apprentice Finalist Campaigning For More Female Engineers

    13 Jan 2020

    The latest series of hit BBC show The Apprentice concluded just before Christmas and in doing so shone a light on women in engineering.

  • engine-braking-infographic-listing-2020-small

    What is Engine Braking? And Why you Should do it [INFOGRAPHIC]

    20 Dez 2019

    Engine braking restricts airflow when a driver releases the accelerator. This creates a high manifold vacuum that cylinders are made to work against. Energy is sapped from the engine, causing a drop in power and speed.

  • laser-wipers-listing-2020-small

    What Are Laser Beam Wipers and Will They Work?

    10 Dez 2019

    The motoring industry is by its very nature fast paced.

    New technology continually alters our perceptions and expectations of what can be achieved on four wheels. Yet while a great many car features have evolved - some beyond recognition - others have remained largely untouched.

  • pal-v-listing-2020-small

    The Flying Car Is Here and It WILL Change Everything

    10 Dez 2019

    Two years ago we wrote about the flying car and asked whether us mere mortals could ever hope to replicate the likes of Doc Brown and take to the skies via our wheels.

    We’ll be honest in admitting we felt this idea was farfetched at the time and (light) years away. As it happens, we and a great many sceptics were wrong. That’s because the future we spoke of is here, at least according to one Dutch automaker.

  • brake-disc-listing-2020-small

    How Do Brake Discs Work?

    22 Nov 2019

    The electric revolution may still be in its infancy, but it’s undeniable that fossil fuel-based engines are on borrowed time. However, whether they’re battery powered or fuel cell-based engines, the future greener vehicles will still need to prioritise passenger safety for any commercial or mass produced vehicles. We can then safely assume that the braking system will be unchanged for the foreseeable future, until a more revolutionary system can be produced of course.

  • bloodhound-listing-2020-small

    Bloodhound's 1000mph Land Speed Record Attempt - What Happened Next?

    13 Nov 2019

    Two years ago we wrote about a car turned rocket ship that promised to break the land speed record and inspire a new generation of engineers. Big plans however quickly gave way to big problems and after much fanfare the very future of the Bloodhound project soon hung in the balance.

    Now it's returned from the brink and we’ve taken a look at how. What went wrong and why, from near extinction, are things suddenly back on track? Could the sacred 1,000mph barrier be reached after all?

  • smartfortwo-lisitng-2020-small

    What Is The Best Looking Car In The World?

    13 Nov 2019

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but also an ancient mathematical equation, apparently.

    The Golden Ratio principle garnered much attention last year when it was used to crown George Clooney the ‘most beautiful man in the world’. A beauty king needs a beauty queen of course and soon after the same formula anointed model Belle Hadid to this make-believe throne.

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    Eurac Poole & GridBeyond win at the Decentralised Energy Awards 2019

    8 Nov 2019

    MAT Foundry Group is pleased to announce that our Eurac Poole plant and GridBeyond have been named winners of the Industrial Award 2019 at the Decentralised Energy Awards 2019. The award was in recognition for their work on an innovative and pioneering approach to energy management, through the world’s first hybrid Tesla battery and demand network.

  • winter-tyres-listing-2020-small

    Should You Change To Winter Tyres?

    14 Okt 2019

    In case you hadn’t noticed it’s getting cold out there. The British summer was short-lived and not altogether tropical, though we did at least soak up the hottest July day on record!

    Now however the days are getting shorter and there is an undeniable chill in the air. Soon attention will turn to log fires and gift buying, but before then motorists may want to brace themselves for Christmas another way.

  • ev-noise-listing-2020-small

    Why Do Electric Vehicles Need To Make Sound?

    14 Okt 2019

    When electric vehicles first came to prominence, sound, or a lack thereof, was held up as both a defining and appealing feature. Soon heralded as ‘quieter cars’, EVs certainly packed less of a sonic boom, particularly at speeds lower than 20mph.

    Fast forward two decades however and motoring authorities want to crank up the volume. And as stage handler’s set-up a rock concert, the National Highway Traffic Society pass laws. The end result, they hope, is the same – things are about to get pretty loud.

  • mobile-driver-listing-2020-small

    Road Cameras Set To Catch Drivers Using Their Phones

    14 Okt 2019

    Handling a mobile phone – or any electronic device for that matter – whilst at the wheel, has long been outlawed in the UK. Cracking down on those that flout the clearest of rules however has proven difficult, sometimes with grave consequences.

    Pioneering technology in Australia could be about to change that and make serial offenders think twice about sending a sly (and illegal) text.

  • bugatti-chiron-listing-2020-small

    Bugatti Breaks Sacred 300mph Barrier

    10 Sep 2019

    It’s certainly been an eventful few weeks for Bugatti. First the high-performance automakers realised a long-held ambition, only to bow out of a quite fascinating arms race just as quickly. What do they say about going out on top?

    Let’s look back on an unforgettable month…

  • fwd-listing-2020-small

    Why Front Wheel Drive Isn't So Bad

    10 Sep 2019

    Front wheel drive often gets a rough ride. Literally according to some.

    Derided and dismissed by many a motoring ‘expert’, it is generally viewed as a cheap alternative to rear and four-wheel equivalents, hence a degree of snobbery. But are criticisms justified?

    In actuality FWD vehicles possess their fair share of benefits, advantages which put paid to the myth they’re neither fun nor good.

  • corsa-e-rally-listing-2020-small

    Opel Unveil World's First Electric Customer Rally Car

    10 Sep 2019

    When Opel unveiled their very first electric vehicle in March few expected it to be re-imagined as a rally car less than six months later. Yet that’s exactly what’s happened as the Corsa-e becomes the Corsa-e Rally and makes history in the process.

  • boris-johnson-listing-2020-small

    The Many Cars of Boris Johnson

    7 Aug 2019

    They say a week is a long time in politics, so three years is surely an eternity.

    And it seems an eternity since the shock outcome of the EU referendum shook parliament to its very core.

    A red-letter day for politics and politicians everywhere, things have never quite been the same. In all probability, they never will be.

  • netflix-listing-2020-small

    Netflix and YouTube Coming To Tesla

    7 Aug 2019

    Elon Musk splits opinion but even his harshest critics respect – albeit begrudgingly – a relentless desire to innovate.

    In championing the likes of his Falcon 9, Solar City and Hyperloop concepts, this engineer turned entrepreneur has made himself box office. And the celebrity that comes with pushing limits and patience alike is something he laps up.

    Compared to sending cars into space Musk’s latest project is somewhat mundane, but still represents a huge moment for the motoring industry.

  • tyres-electricity-listing-2020-small

    Why Your Tyres Could Soon Generate Electricity

    7 Aug 2019

    Tyre selection is vitally important. Before purchasing a new set of wheels drivers are supposed to consider the likes of section width, aspect ratio, rim diameter, load rating index and a whole lot more besides. No wonder many spare themselves the headache and simply trust in their local garage.

    Pretty soon however there could be something else on which to judge the quality of rubbers; whether or not they generate electricity.

  • iwied-listing-2020-small

    International Women In Engineering Day 2019

    16 Jul 2019

    Since 2014, June 23rd has been known as Women in Engineering Day. An occasion intended to herald the achievements of female engineers’ past and present, it also focuses attentions on the future and ways in which to cut a long-standing gender gap.

    A host of opportunities exist for young ladies looking to carve out a career in the engineering or manufacturing sectors. And publicising that fact has become a priority.

  • bentley-exp-listing-2020-small

    Bentley Look To The Future With New EXP 100 GT

    16 Jul 2019

    Bentley turned 100 on July 10th and what better way to mark the occasion by unveiling their first fully electric car? A momentous day in more ways than one, huge anticipation surrounded the big reveal; excitement hardly tempered by a teaser video released a week prior.

    The eagle eyed were quick to declare this concept a two-door Grand Tourer, but we’d have to wait until founder Walter Owen Bentley’s centenary for confirmation and a proper look.

    Initial reactions suggest it was worth the wait.

  • green-initiatives-listing-2020-small

    EURAC Poole Green Initiatives [INFOGRAPHIC]

    4 Jul 2019

    How is EURAC Poole taking it's commitment to the environment seriously? Let's have a look...

  • data-driven-listing-2020-small

    Data-driven productivity project with Norican

    2 Jul 2019

    “Data is the new oil” is a quote credited to Mathematician Clive Humby, who back in 2006 proclaimed that data would be as valuable as oil. Fast forward to 2019 and the plethora of successful data-driven companies in the market, such as Google, Twitter and Facebook; arguably proves him right. However, that’s where the comparisons between oil and data stop – although a rare commodity, once oil is found the process of refining it and selling it is very straight forward. Whereas data is easily and readily collated by all businesses, but how best to use it eludes even the biggest.

  • t50-listing-small-2020

    Gordon Murray's New Supercar - The T.50

    27 Jun 2019

    Murray’s stunning new car has been revealed. An engineering and design masterpiece aimed to take us back to an age of purist analog driving experience, with modern design improvements.
    We are looking at a design that has already had a factory built for it, a new engine and running gear complete and an aim to release the car in early 2022. A supremely lucky 100 customers will get to sit in the driving seat of this already coveted car. 

  • mingzhi-listing-2020-small

    Mingzhi - Sand Core System

    27 Jun 2019

    As part of our ongoing investment into new facilities for our sites, MAT Foundry Group have just purchased a new sand core system for our Eurac Hradec foundry in Czech Republic. Manufactured by Mingzhi, the new sand core system includes a sand preparation system, that treats the core sand and mixes binding agents. Additionally, the Core Machine MP 40 is included in the new system, which utilises the cold box core method.

  • tumblast-listing-2020-small

    Tumblast Shot Blaster Machine - Eurac Poole

    25 Jun 2019

    MAT Foundry Group are proud to announce that Eurac Poole will be receiving a new Shot Blaster. The new shot blaster is the TUMBLAST MACHINE with steel track belt TYPE MB 900S-16.4-2/30, manufactured and installed by Wheelbrator, a Norican Technology.

  • vwidr-listing-2020-small

    Volkswagen ID. R Breaks Nürburgring EV Record

    24 Jun 2019

    The lap record for an electric vehicle at the famed Nürburgring track has this month been broken, smashed in fact.

    Setting the pace was the blistering Volkswagen ID. R, a 671bph prototype turned supercar built entirely for competition purposes. And the competition, it seems, is trailing in its wake.

  • reichmann-listing-2020-small

    Reichmann - S1-C Grinding Line for Brake Discs

    19 Jun 2019

    MAT Foundry group are pleased to announce that our Eurac Poole site will be receiving a new automatic grinding line, including a palletizing robot system for the Fettling shop. The Reichmann S1-C is a casting grinding machine, that provides a fettling finish for circular castings.

  • noise-cameras-listing-2020-small

    Coming Soon... Noise Cameras

    18 Jun 2019

    The Department of Transport has announced it will soon start trialling new ‘noise camera’ technology in a bid to crack down on vehicles continually breaking sound limits and sleep patterns alike.

    The imminent arrival of ‘noise cameras’ was confirmed this month after research indicated technology now exists to target and punish repeat offenders.

  • gifa-listing-2020-small

    MAT Foundry Group heads to GIFA 2019

    5 Jun 2019

    This June, Dusseldorf becomes the world centre for international foundry and metallurgy technology, with their four leading trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST; all running June 25th – 29th. Not limited to just foundry and metallurgy technology; the fairs will also give an extensive insight onto thermal processing technology and casting products, with in excess of 2000 exhibitors from around the world contributing to the Mecca of all foundry events.

  • safe-automation-listing-2020-small

    Defining Safe Automation

    24 Mai 2019

    Self driving cars will soon become a reality but amid great fanfare are their associated risks being overlooked?

    Insurers have long been cast as killjoys, obsessing over what could go wrong and dampening expectations in the process. Theirs however is a necessary caution, particularly when it comes to relinquishing control of the wheel.

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    Earn As You Drive: Introducing The Smart Wallet

    22 Mai 2019

    Driving is expensive business. Any initial outlay for a new (or used) car is quickly multiplied by a need to finance petrol, road tax, MOTs, servicing and more.

    Until now only a select few have got behind the wheel and actually grown richer. New technology being developed by Jaguar Land Rover, however, means this could soon change; allowing entry into an exclusive club historically reserved for Formula 1 drivers, chauffeurs and those donning roof signage with the letter L.

  • power-ev-listing-2020-small

    What Will Power Electric Vehicles and Why?

    20 Mai 2019

    Just recently we wrote an article about how the major German automotive manufacturers comprising Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW had come to an agreement on aligning their efforts towards vehicle electrification.

    It seemed the hard wrangling was over, and German automotive as a whole was ready to go ahead. However, not so fast say two of the world’s biggest independent automotive component suppliers.

  • uk-economy-listing-2020-small

    UK Economy Best Placed To Profit From Autonomous Vehicles

    23 Apr 2019

    The UK has been found to be the nation best placed to take advantage of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles revolution.

    A report published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders that considers a range of factors, says the UK could reap billions if it takes decisive action quickly. There are, as ever, a few hurdles to overcome.

  • driverless-listing-2020-small

    Embracing Driverless Cars... Are We Ready?

    23 Apr 2019

    Cars are changing, in case you hadn’t noticed.

    The rise in self-autonomous technology has been far quicker than anyone anticipated and owes much to manufacturers and governments alike pumping billions into what will become a brave new world.

    But while the likes of park assist, adaptive cruise control and lane keeping alerts are welcome, the wold waits with bated breath for driverless cars to decorate forecourts.

  • bond-listing-2020-small

    Bond Goes Electric

    23 Apr 2019

    Uncovering details about an upcoming James Bond movie is akin to one of 007’s own secret missions. EON Productions are notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to scripts, locations and scheduling, a code of silence seemingly amplified in the run-up to what will become Bond 25.

  • german-ev-listing-2020-small

    German Automotive Agrees To Go Electric

    28 Mar 2019

    When Elon Musk unveiled his Tesla master plan in 2006 many scoffed at his vision of an electric future. 13 years on the self-styled engineer turned entrepreneur looks destined to have the last laugh on the subject. He could even shout about it on Netflix.


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