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MFG welcomes its first Management Graduate

If you were to ask any young person what they consider to be the key contributors towards a rewarding career, you would probably hear the same answers over and over: travel, autonomy and opportunity.

The world has changed so much over the years. It’s no longer a case of completing your education and then bedding down in a job for the rest of your life.

Technology has made the world a small community. We can work remotely. We can pick up sticks and move continent at the drop of a hat.

That’s exactly what Ondrej, Foundry Technology Engineer and recent MAT Management Trainee Programme graduate has done.

Having already gained valuable work experience at our Poole facility over a summer and acquired his degree from Brno University of Technology, Ondrej enrolled on our graduate trainee programme.

This experience has taken Ondrej to five MAT facilities in four different countries over the space of one year. Not bad, right?

Currently enjoying the sun in Mexico and attending the weekly private Spanish tutoring that MAT Group arranged, Ondrej is working as part of the team responsible for New Supplier Audits – a key part of the production process.

We think it’s fair to say Ondrej has seen his fair share of travel, autonomy and opportunity – and you could too!

Learn more about Ondrej's journey click here. Or if you're interested in learning more about the MAT Management Trainee Programme contact us today.

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