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Mincer HD Expansion Draws to Completion

In May 2016 MAT Foundry Group was proud to announce a major expansion to its Mincer HD facility in Ecatepec, Mexico.

We broke ground in October 2015, after which the project has moved at a phenomenal pace.

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Just over a year later and we are entering the final phase of the €20 million expansion with the installation of the vast sand plant. 

Outdoor Construction - MAT Foundry

The Sand plant has been installed and the Disamatic moulding technology and induction melting furnaces have been postioned in place. 

Outdoor Construction - MAT Foundry

Production is due to commence in May 2017 and will supply the automotive marketing with 30,000 metric tonnes of castings per annum.

The opening of the Mincer expansion will increase MAT Foundry Group’s global output to over 380,000 tonnes of cast iron per year, across its 7 production facilities.
This is in addition to the group’s eleven machining facilities across Europe, Asia and Central America.

This final phase is the culmination of 18 months of endeavour that will create employment opportunities locally as well as new partnerships with automotive businesses around the world.

For more information on MAT Foundry Group click here or contact us today to discover how we can support your casting needs.

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