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MAT Foundry Group website goes Live

MAT Foundry Group LTD Logo - MAT FoundryRegular visitors to our various group domains may have noticed that the websites you’re familiar with have been replaced with the new website:

This brand new platform consolidates our family of companies into a single resource allowing for a unified experience for all of our clients around the world.

This platform allows for considerable scalability so as new products are developed, facilities expand or business needs change, it will grow with us meaning that you – our valued clients – will all be informed and always able to get in touch.

In addition to consolidating our businesses under a single domain, we have a news and blog section within which we will share our successes, our insight, white papers and industry innovations.

Our full range of products is also available to view in one place for the first time, including the production facility that manufactures them.

The really exciting thing is that this is just the beginning of our online reinvention and you can expect to see new features rolling out in the coming months.

In the meantime, if you have any feedback or would like to discuss how MAT Foundry Group can support your next project, contact us today.

You can also find us on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter.

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