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Eurac Poole & GridBeyond win at the Decentralised Energy Awards 2019

Industrial Award Winner - MAT Foundry

EURAC Poole Logo - MAT Foundry










MAT Foundry Group is pleased to announce that our Eurac Poole plant and GridBeyond have been named winners of the Industrial Award 2019 at the Decentralised Energy Awards 2019. The award was in recognition for their work on an innovative and pioneering approach to energy management, through the world’s first hybrid Tesla battery and demand network.


GridBeyond’s Hybrid Tesla Battery and Demand Network is a portfolio of commercial batteries and demand assets, connected over multiple sites and organisations, working in harmony to provide flexibility to the gird. This solution benefits sites with little energy flexibility to access the fastest responding balancing services, they would otherwise not be able to achieve on their own.


Eurac Poole pioneered the programme during 2018, becoming one of the first companies to implement such a unique solution. As a result of partnering with GridBeyond and utilising the Hybrid Tesla Battery and Demand Network, Eurac were able to receive an annual enhanced financial reward from Demand Side Response programmes in excess of £190K, coupled with a £50K Dynamic Price Optimisation by avoiding peak demand charges. You can read more about the project from one of our previous blog posts here.



GridBeyond Award 2019 - MAT FoundryTesla Hybrid Battery - MAT Foundry

Decentralised Energy Awards 2019 Industrial Award - MAT Foundry



GridBeyond received the award on behalf of both companies at the awards ceremony hosted in the Guildhall London, on the 31st of October. You can read some reaction to the award from both Mark Davis, Director UK & Ireland at GridBeyond and Eurac Poole’s General Manager, Steve Merritt by following this link.


You can also see award judge Steve Hodgson, Editor - Energy World, discussing the Industrial Decentralised Energy Award winner 2019 here;


You can also find out more about the ceremony and the other award winners here;



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